Weight Loss and Exercise

Exercise is a vital aspect in helping you achieve your weight loss goals. When paired with a healthy diet, exercise can provide many benefits. It controls weight by preventing excessive weight gain and maintaining weight loss. In addition to weight control, exercise helps individuals combat diseases and decrease their risk of obtaining serious health conditions such as stroke, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, depression, and other cardiovascular problems.

Exercise can also enhance an individual’s well-being by improving mood, promoting better sleep, and boosting energy. At Total HealthcareMD, we are firm believers in the idea that exercise is imperative for weight loss success.  Our trained staff is ready to give you advice and suggestions on how to get started.

Non-Judgmental Support

Individuals who are interested in losing weight often find it challenging to exercise. Patients sometimes have legitimate reasons not to exercise…i.e. “I’m too busy”, “I don’t have the time”, I’m too tired”, “I have aches and pains”…We at Total HealthcareMD get it and understand it. Our team cares about each patient’s success and will consistently support and encourage every individual to do whatever they can to find some time to exercise is some manner. You don’t have to jump on a treadmill and run 5 miles. Just walking on a treadmill, or better yet outside, as often as you can will have a positive impact in achieving your weight loss and wellness goals. We at Total HealthcareMD are here to help and offer suggestions that we know will help you. 

Further Information

If you are interested in finding out more about weight loss in Cary, the following links may be of interest: